Friday, October 26, 2007

Hurray for Damask! And a funny from Bean.

Lately I've been on a quest to "interior decorate" my house. It's been a very neglected aspect of my life the past year, and the saddest part is that I am really, really passionate about interiors! So although my budget is very modest, my house is very small, and as a renter I have virtually no options for wall treatments, I am feeling optimistic and my nesting instinct has been a real asset this past month or two.
One of the rooms that has been somewhat neglected from a "decorating" standpoint is Naomi's. We keep buying pieces with no overall guiding color scheme. She has modular, stacking "cube" components with fabric covered "Bins" to hold her insane amount of toys, and she has a new bed and a REALLY fun comforter from West Elm in a very cheery, modern hot pink and tangerine damask, but her walls are humbly outfitted in a peeling, yellowed rosebud wallpaper - how can one be wholehearted about decorating a space with such a wretched backdrop? Anyhow, I have been hunting for some bedding for the new girl (who will be arriving any week now!) and was hoping to continue the theme of grown up patterns in fun colors, and was secretly hoping to happen upon something darling in a Kelly green (no such luck so far) but I DID find this set from Target online:

Wow! In a market saturated with pastels, and the only appealing designs I've found being way out of my price range, this $149 set got me really excited. Plus, I can easily mix in poppier colors to coordinate with Naomi's bed, plus add some black to her bedding to make the two more cohesive. So if anyone has seen any kelly green, hot pink, or tangerine crib sheets or bed skirt, let me know!
In the meantime, I have the task before me of convincing Eddie that we really DO need more crib bedding, even though we have Naomi's set to use (and though I still love the Cicely Mary Barker flower fairy quilt that was handmade to my specifications by his generous great-aunt, it just doesn't fit in AT ALL with Naomi's things!) I understand his sensibilities regarding making do with what we have, and I appreciate that side of him, HOWEVER... I have a growling, hungry beast inside me that constantly craves good design, and it's hard to ignore it!!!! Somewhere, there's got to be a middle ground, and we're working toward it in other rooms of the house.

The second half of this post is about something funny that Naomi said about a month or so ago. We were sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast, and she kept staring at a Motherhood Maternity bag I had sitting on the table. It was slightly slouched and crumpled, and apparently she was trying to figure out what the image was on the side. She asked if it was a dinosaur, and I replied,
"No, it's a woman, see? Here's her ponytail, and here's her belly - she's pregnant."
"Is that a store for pregnant people?" she asked.
"Yeah - they sell clothes for pregnant people."
She got this impressed look on her face, and said, "Huh, big fat clothes. Cool."

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