Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Two Funnies

Last night at the fireworks, Naomi was utterly fascinated by the sparklers she kept seeing in the hands of the other children. She asked a lot of questions about them, and here's my favorite:
"Mama, do those sparklers have fire on the end of them while they're in the pack?"
The whole fireworks experience was really fun for her. The whole way there, she was murmuring her delight to her stuffed bunny, and the whole way home, she said proper little things like, "I had the most wonderful time, " and "these were the greatest fireworks ever..."
The other thing I don't want to forget is the other day we were laying in my bed (I told you that's when the funny things happen!) and the following exchange occurred:
Naomi: Mama, your belly is getting very stiff.
Me: Just wait - it is going to get WAAAAAY bigger.
Naomi: Yeah, like as big as this whole room!!!
Me: Well... not quite that big (chuckle).

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